Accounting des VPN¶
Ce script parse les fichiers d'accounting d'openvpn pour que ce soit plus facile à lire.
#!/bin/sh # Display VPN up/down throughput for the last hour ACCTDIR="/var/run/openvpn/acct" # Only display VPN with more than X Mbps up+down MIN_MBPS=2 # How far to go in the past LAST_MINUTES=60 cd "$ACCTDIR" printf "VPN with at least %d Mbps of up+down traffic in the last %d minutes are shown\n" "$MIN_MBPS" "$LAST_MINUTES" printf "%10s %16s %12s %12s\n" "Date" "VPN" "Up" "Down" for f in $(find . -type f -cmin -"$LAST_MINUTES" | sort -n) do awk '/^[^#]/ { if ($4 + $5 > 78643200) printf "%16s %16s %3.0f Mbit/s %3.0f Mbit/s\n", FILENAME, $1, $4*8/300/1024/1024, $5*8/300/1024/1024;}' "$f" done
Mis à jour par Baptiste Jonglez il y a environ 8 ans · 1 révisions